
FROM A BOY TO A GREAT ARTIST-The Life of MOONSHIN Through Photographs and Manuscripts

FROM A BOY TO A GREAT ARTIST-The Life of MOONSHIN Through Photographs and Manuscripts 첨부 이미지

Edited by Choi Seong-sook

Compiled by Hong Mi-seon

Published by Sookmyung Women’s University Moon Shin Museum and Sookmyung Women’s University Press

Date of publication: Feb. 27, 2006

Number of pages: 204 | Size: B5 | Number of prints: 1

ISBN: 89-7182-189-2 03620

Price: 28,000 won


Moon Shin, who was a prominent Korean artist in the 20th century, is known for having experimented with diverse genres of art with resolute willpower. His life as an artist and the work he left behind reveal his greatness and trigger our curiosity regarding his life outside the realm of art and his innermost thoughts and feelings. This book provides us with some of the answers. It features his descriptions of his childhood and photographs of him as a child and young adult. In contrast to literature published previously on the great artist, this book contains nearly all of his photographs. Through the letters he wrote to his family and friends, you can gain a glimpse of his humanity and the way he was considerate of others. You will also be able to see the intense process through which he produced his amazing pieces of art in this book, which presents a special opportunity to examine the biography and day-to-day life of one of the greatest artists in modern art history.


208 pages with 339 photographs

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